BLOG - The Power of Positive Thinking...

The Power of Positive Thinking... 


October is Positive Attitude Month and Emotional Wellness Month!

Having a positive attitude makes any difficult or frustrating situation a lot easier to deal with. Are you a person who views scenarios from a “glass half empty” perspective? If so, it is time to change that! Looking at situations with a “glass half full” perspective is a thought process that makes a big difference. Barbara Fredrickson, in her book Positivity, identifies that the purpose of positive emotions is to broaden people’s perspectives and build their capacity to respond to challenges. Negativity narrows our focus to what threatens us; positivity expands our attention to new possibilities for building a better future. The Mayo Clinic states that a positive attitude can lower your stress level, which is good for your overall health and wellbeing!

Research shows there are lasting benefits to keeping a positive attitude:

  1. Longer life span because of overall lower stress levels
  2. Lower chance of depression
  3. More resistance to sicknesses like the common cold
  4. Increased physical and mental well being
  5. Less risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  6. More developed coping skills during challenges
  7. Your positive energy will result in more overall motivation, more friends, and many more happy memories 

Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, identified in his book Flourish, that there are five factors shown to be essential for achieving authentic happiness and optimal human functioning, otherwise known as flourishing, bringing forth characteristics of goodness, generativity, growth and resilience. The five factors that make up his model are known as PERMA:

  • Positive emotions
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Meaningfulness
  • Accomplishments

How can Positivity build our ability to flourish and achieve authentic happiness?

  1. Positivity brings forth positive emotions – joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, inspiration and love
  2. Positivity changes how you think – it enhances your ability to see someone else’s point of view, to stay calm when a friend or co-worker are reacting negatively and rather than focus on blame, you are more open to solution driven outcomes
  3. Positivity fuels your best possible self and future – your mind starts to visualize positive outcomes, you relate well to others and by so doing, they are there to help you through challenges
  4. Positivity counteracts negativity – knowing how to shift your mind to positive thinking in moments of stress will calm you which leads to resiliency which leads to optimism

You can increase your positivity by retraining your brain to be more positive. Rather than ruminate on catastrophes, teach your brain to see positive outcomes, learn to deal with setbacks by shifting your mind from suffering to opening up and learning lessons.

Some simple steps to help increase your positivity:

1. Make a list or keep a journal: List the negative things in your life… the things that really upset you and cause you to lose your cool. Seeing them on paper can help you recognize and address them when they happen in real life.

2. Let go of expectations: Sometimes, negativity begins with unrealistic expectations of yourself or others. Understand that nobody is perfect… and the imperfections add character! They make life real and interesting. If you can learn to work with that, you, and those around you will be much happier.

3. Forgive yourself and others: Do not dwell on past mistakes. Doing so will only hold you down and can spiral one back into negativity.

4. Respond, don’t react: Change can be difficult to manage, but if you take a breath and give yourself some time to think, you’ll find the clarity you need to respond in a positive manner.

5. Surround yourself with positive people: By doing so you’ll start to see how happy & successful people think, and you’ll likely start to think the same way. Remember... 

Positive Emotions and Positive Attitudes are Contagious!

6. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness through meditation is very effective in letting go of Negative emotions. Changing how we describe and interpret situations subdue stress and anger because we stop exaggerating and projecting negativities onto people, situations, and objects. Meditation on love and compassion strengthens positive thoughts and emotions in our minds and hearts, which are beneficial because these thoughts and emotions act not only as antidotes to stress and anger, but also as measures preventing them from arising.

7. Express Gratitude: Expressing gratitude is a lot more than saying thank you. Emerging research has recently started to draw attention to its multiple benefits. People who are consistently grateful have been found to be relatively happier, more energetic, and more hopeful and report experiencing more frequent positive emotions. Gratitude is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutralizer of envy, avarice, hostility, worry, and irritation. 

8. Practice Kindness: Kindness is what allows people to come together. The act of kindness is one that is done without expecting a reward or anything in return. Being kind can result in less worry and instead put your attention on how you can have a positive effect on those and the world around you.

9. Engage in Make a Difference Day – the fourth Saturday in October! Initiated in 1990, this is a national day devoted to helping others by doing volunteer work in the community. Making a commitment to help others for just one day will fuel your positivity and your emotional wellbeing!





Siddhartha Gautama Buddha perfectly captured the essence of thought power in his words: 

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become."


If you would like to explore more ways to increase your personal positivity to enhance your personal and professional relationships and bring forth more happiness in your daily life, I would welcome the opportunity to help you achieve your goals! Access my calendar HERE and let's engage in a complimentary 30-minute conversation!