Wishing You a Happy New Year!


As you enter 2019, having clarity on who you want to be, how you want to interact with others, what you want, and what will bring you the greatest meaning in life will set you up for a successful year!

A fun and meaningful exercise to help bring clarity to your life is The Wheel Of Life Assessment. I am including a link for you to print out and complete a Wheel of Your Life! The 8 sections in the wheel help you identify areas of improvement in the major areas of life. Completing it offers a good opportunity for self-reflection and leads to growth.

Some guiding thoughts as you ponder the areas of your life:

Friends & Family:
I have and/or am creating deep connection, fun and positive energy with those who are important in my life. I spend time with them. 

Significant Other/Romance:
I create loving connection, I am patient, trusting, respectful, attentive & compassionate with my partner. If single, I live each day through my heart and have compassion & love for others. 

Fun & Recreation:
I plan time to disconnect from work and enjoy life. I give time for my hobbies, interests, adventure and social time.

Health & Well-Being:
I have an active self-care plan and I take care of myself so that I can be my best. I strive to eat well, sleep well and work out regularly. Emotionally, I keep a positive outlook & attitude. I am congruent with my beliefs/faith and I strive to honor my values.

I am responsible in how I spend my money. I am saving money for my future. I am happy with my lifestyle and have the skills to earn more if desired. 

Personal Growth:
I am curious & pay attention to the world around me & learn new things. I discover new things about myself & am open to growth opportunities for my personal success.

Physical Environment:
My workspace is organized and free of clutter. My home is free of clutter, is warm & inviting and is a place I can relax and re-energize.

I am clear, energized, & fulfilled by my work. I am engaged & excited by what I'm doing; it is my passion & calling.

As you complete your wheel, I encourage you to truly look inside of yourself and rate your levels of satisfaction from a heart-based place versus what your head thinks, being careful not to rely on how you feel your rating “should” be. True growth occurs when we are honest with ourselves and genuinely acknowledge where we are at the present moment. From that level of awareness, we gain clarity enabling us to set new goals, new intentions and visualize the outcomes we most desire for our self.

If you would like to discover how you can gain more clarity to achieve greater personal and professional satisfaction, I invite you to schedule a 30-minute strategy session and let’s partner together to help you jumpstart 2019 and find success this year!